趨勢攜手智冠 防山寨版App竊個資
Jul 29th 2014, 08:37



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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
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[新聞] 幾家播都行 犀獅只盼快搞定
Aug 1st 2014, 06:59, by zzyyxx77

作者zzyyxx77 ()


標題[新聞] 幾家播都行 犀獅只盼快搞定

時間Fri Aug 1 06:59:18 2014

〔記者倪婉君/高雄報導〕Lamigo桃猿拋出多頻道轉播議題,義大犀牛領隊謝秉育昨天表 示尊重,統一獅領隊蘇泰安則認為,先釐清法律問題後一切好談,在下半季僅剩不到90場 的情況下,兩人都希望儘快搞定。 「我也希望明天一覺醒來,轉播權就談好了啊。」謝秉育笑說,對於未來中職轉播是否走 向多頻道播出,他只強調一定要有第四台播出,相信這次結果會讓球迷滿意。 蘇泰安則認為,由多頻道播出只是各球隊交叉授權的技術性問題,重點是仍需釐清另外和 新媒體簽約,是否會和之前MP&Silva的合約相牴觸。 蘇泰安認為,雖然MPS已發函表示,因中職違約要解約,但聯盟須和MPS確認雙方目前關係 ,是否中職可以直接另尋新媒體播出。 「我想法律問題這一、兩天就能釐清,接下來就是4隊的事,是否只簽給某一家,或是兩 家(緯來、福斯)都談,就是技術上的事。」蘇泰安希望下週前就能搞定。 轉播金沒著落,各球團都很著急,尤其昨天兩場比賽打完,下半季只剩89場,轉播權越慢 搞定,4隊收到的錢只會更少。球團人士就說,轉播金不進來,球團比任何人都急。 http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/sports/paper/800702 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1406847561.A.6DD.html ※ 編輯: zzyyxx77 (, 08/01/2014 07:03:31 ※ 編輯: zzyyxx77 (, 08/01/2014 07:05:28

GoldenWasabi:常務都不開會 任何人都幫不了你們.... 08/01 07:05

F11:不會覺得很好笑嗎 是在喊給誰看 決定的不就你們幾位 08/01 07:06

GoldenWasabi:黃鎮台黑手可能還在運作吧...XD 08/01 07:07

frf2pujols17:2F+1 每個都出來很得很好聽 明明就自己要解決的事 08/01 07:07

thirdlittle:會長不在,怎麼就一盤散沙的感覺? 08/01 07:07

frf2pujols17: 喊 08/01 07:07

sgheart:就等別人做事阿 過太爽 08/01 07:09

※ 編輯: zzyyxx77 (, 08/01/2014 07:11:05

QQaka:這兩個怎好像在看戲阿 太事不關己了吧 是在擺爛喔 08/01 07:20

lpca:他們是以為還有會長嗎XD 08/01 07:21

asstitle:因為會被酸什麼都有意見 經營得這麼痛苦 不爽玩可以轉賣 08/01 07:23

asstitle:所以乾脆看戲 08/01 07:23

kody8624:空謝在挑吻仔魚怎麼會有空呢 08/01 07:25

pezon123:四個領隊都搞不定,急又不開會 08/01 07:25

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批踢踢實業坊 Kaohsiung 板
Re: [問題] 需要空房間佔住的 可以聯絡我
Aug 1st 2014, 08:25, by skyyyy

作者skyyyy (你誰ΘωΘ//)


標題Re: [問題] 需要空房間佔住的 可以聯絡我

時間Fri Aug 1 08:25:28 2014

※ 引述《Ireneru (Irene)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《whelin (喵嗚~~~)》之銘言: : : 可提供暫住+1 : : 民族建工路口附近,只有一間和室,大約可以住2~3人 : : 因為現在家裡只有我和小孩,為避嫌所以只開放女生 : : 家中有一隻放養的貓,不介意的話再與我站內信聯絡 : : PS:奶粉奶瓶尿布這邊都有 : : 忘了說,我感冒中,若有小孩請自行評估 : 提供暫住+1 : 有單人空房 也有客廳可以睡 : 大概可以睡2-3人 : 因為本身是女生 室友也是女生 : 所以以 "女性.單獨在外求學" 為優先 : 住在鼓山區這裡 靠近鹽埕 : 如果沒回信代表滿了 >"< : ps. 不好意思... 我不知道手機版要怎麼刪綠色的字... :( 如題,我也可以暫住 我家在澄清湖這裡,有一個雙人房客房,因為女生所以希望室友也是女生2)~3個沒問題! -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Kaohsiung/M.1406852730.A.37B.html

foxfox1017 :好心推!! 08/01 08:25

wonson0902 :好心推 08/01 08:35

mina51 :推 08/01 08:35

mika112250 :推 08/01 08:35

userby2 :好心推 08/01 08:38

hnhli1021 :推推 08/01 08:39

ahsing5 :推好心! 08/01 08:41

cestmiao :好心推 08/01 08:49

newdreams :推!! 08/01 08:54

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Jul 28th 2014, 21:54

作者: 胡欣男、陳俊雄╱綜合報導 | 中時電子報 – 




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Jul 31st 2014, 22:33, by service.nownews@gmail.com (nownews)








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Jul 31st 2014, 16:25




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[情報] 卵肌洗面乳
Jul 29th 2014, 20:20, by plumefly

作者plumefly (琰)


標題[情報] 卵肌洗面乳

時間Tue Jul 29 20:20:35 2014

不知道有沒有op 今天在佳瑪看到卵肌洗面乳特價 一條才199欸!!! 我沒有用過 不小心手滑了一條 希望好用 能改善我驚人的粉刺痘痘QQ 另外也看到妮維雅嫩白乳液125ml 兩瓶130 完全就比買大瓶的便宜啊!! 不過這件事版友好像說過了 就當附帶好了XDD -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BeautySalon/M.1406636438.A.A7E.html

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批踢踢實業坊 MobileComm 板
[問題] 請問台北市哪裡現場展示AUSE ZF系列?
Jul 29th 2014, 15:03, by mbtvsbmp

作者mbtvsbmp (阿拉啦)


標題[問題] 請問台北市哪裡現場展示AUSE ZF系列?

時間Tue Jul 29 15:03:25 2014

最近在幫長輩挑選手機,目前暫定ZF4 但是怕長輩用不習慣,打算帶長輩先去展示店試用過後再決定要不要買 請問台北市哪裡有AUSE的展示中心可以現場試用手機???? 另外請問一下ZF4有老人模式嗎???? 4.5吋版和4吋版有差很多嗎??? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1406617407.A.54E.html

TheoEpstein :某些順發好像有 07/29 15:04


limitlesscit:4沒有簡易模式 07/29 15:08

那只好再教使用一次......當初推薦M210長輩嫌他螢幕大不好帶 然後他要求能換電池,價格又不能太高,真難挑選@@ ※ 編輯: mbtvsbmp (, 07/29/2014 15:13:51

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批踢踢實業坊 ChangHua 板
[交易] 手工高麗菜水餃(全素可食)
Aug 1st 2014, 07:10, by amybibi

作者amybibi ()


標題[交易] 手工高麗菜水餃(全素可食)

時間Fri Aug 1 07:10:00 2014

純手工高麗菜水餃(全素可食) 餡料都是自己調配的,主要以高麗菜為主,其他香料為輔 1顆特價$3(1盒20顆裝)水餃都是手工現做的 因為沒添加防腐劑或任何化學藥劑,最佳賞味期限2個禮拜 內餡沒有以下添加物(蔥,薑,蒜,芹菜,香菜,韭菜) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 提供面交和宅配服務 面交:1.主要彰化市建國科大門口(鄰近"鄉鎮"可以再討論,也可配合火車站或交流道下) 2.次要台中豐原/后里/外埔也可約定時間 低溫宅配:$140(1-3盒)/$190(4-10盒)/$240(11-20盒) 可站內信/水球/LINE:bubuhala 聯繫 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ChangHua/M.1406848202.A.B09.html

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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
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[影片] 今日 MLB 賽事精華 (2014.07.28)
Jul 29th 2014, 15:21, by Rambo

作者Rambo (香帥)


標題[影片] 今日 MLB 賽事精華 (2014.07.28)

時間Tue Jul 29 15:21:24 2014

教士 (SD) VS 勇士 (ATL) (0 : 2) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/g5CF http://ppt.cc/Weg7 Grant on Maddux pitching http://ppt.cc/xhet http://ppt.cc/0GOq Must C: Simmons' incredible play http://ppt.cc/0YXT http://ppt.cc/9BlD Heyward grounds out in only AB http://ppt.cc/knj5 http://ppt.cc/YXXj Lane unsure of single http://ppt.cc/W8gE http://ppt.cc/ELes Cox on his induction http://ppt.cc/5sdI http://ppt.cc/GT3c Father and son get foul ball http://ppt.cc/frjD http://ppt.cc/1TlX Simmons' barehanded play http://ppt.cc/xjrD http://ppt.cc/AugV Simmons' diving catch http://ppt.cc/qcp1 http://ppt.cc/PUJf Recap: SD 0, ATL 2 http://ppt.cc/ZvFD http://ppt.cc/E0do Amarista strong throw http://ppt.cc/vGsd http://ppt.cc/cg8S Lane fans J. Upton http://ppt.cc/C3ZG http://ppt.cc/HFg~ Gattis' two-out RBI single http://ppt.cc/zMeL http://ppt.cc/7OKL Santana eight shutout innings http://ppt.cc/S63B http://ppt.cc/Pikj Lane first Major League start http://ppt.cc/xl2P http://ppt.cc/HYqG Gattis' solo home run http://ppt.cc/XdEG http://ppt.cc/U2-m Kimbrel notches the save http://ppt.cc/-0Y7 http://ppt.cc/~P2I Padres turn two http://ppt.cc/t3gI http://ppt.cc/wYE4 Santana 11th strikeout http://ppt.cc/fuyt http://ppt.cc/ViPY Alonso diving stop http://ppt.cc/qO5P http://ppt.cc/MuS0 J. Upton nabs Alonso 響尾蛇 (ARI) VS 紅人 (CIN) (2 : 1) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/Np4G http://ppt.cc/ed9X Pena slide to first http://ppt.cc/mDg3 http://ppt.cc/lX3r Ahmed RBI single http://ppt.cc/uAy9 http://ppt.cc/hqXr Bench in the booth http://ppt.cc/pO1k http://ppt.cc/9MeN Anderson strikes out eight http://ppt.cc/oVV2 http://ppt.cc/OZys Mesoraco solo homer http://ppt.cc/c56Y http://ppt.cc/wyCY Reds turn double play http://ppt.cc/DSET http://ppt.cc/EFaG Chapman reaches 104 mph http://ppt.cc/3f1- http://ppt.cc/f5Ou Rosie Reds celebrate 50th year http://ppt.cc/LMFS http://ppt.cc/03Gw No fan interference ruled http://ppt.cc/wxly http://ppt.cc/lJ0s Price on their offensive woes http://ppt.cc/1dG6 http://ppt.cc/p17a Gregorius' sliding stop http://ppt.cc/WUk8 http://ppt.cc/VieZ Ahmed on game-winning RBI single http://ppt.cc/ZBCu http://ppt.cc/GsRQ Hamilton knocks his helmet off http://ppt.cc/~nwA http://ppt.cc/tSSA Frazier breaks his bat http://ppt.cc/VHNa http://ppt.cc/XOdf Interview with fan who made grab http://ppt.cc/k3co http://ppt.cc/7KZ~ Bruce breaks his bat over leg http://ppt.cc/7vpi http://ppt.cc/e~dE Peralta sliding grab http://ppt.cc/6tTz http://ppt.cc/-0JQ Recap: ARI 2, CIN 1 (15) http://ppt.cc/TZ3V http://ppt.cc/mQaL Inciarte throws out Pena http://ppt.cc/xE5J http://ppt.cc/sMgn Bailey pitches eight strong http://ppt.cc/EzLo http://ppt.cc/yz2K Reed closes out the save http://ppt.cc/gEku http://ppt.cc/vdB0 Mesoraco nabs Gregorius stealing http://ppt.cc/-yf0 http://ppt.cc/k1km Montero RBI single 釀酒人 (MIL) VS 光芒 (TB) (1 : 2) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/tPQa http://ppt.cc/LvAR Jeffress starts double play http://ppt.cc/nuqq http://ppt.cc/rNS- Rays designate Bedard http://ppt.cc/b84k http://ppt.cc/V3cj Molina messes with his coach http://ppt.cc/S~jt http://ppt.cc/gSjr Must C: Brewers' amazing relay http://ppt.cc/qsbD http://ppt.cc/pCy3 Rays challenge, call stands http://ppt.cc/7ZHk http://ppt.cc/UMOw Maddon on Potato Head, Rays' win http://ppt.cc/8Acm http://ppt.cc/~B9T Loney pega hit de dos carreras http://ppt.cc/q1U7 http://ppt.cc/lSrR Lohse nice stop http://ppt.cc/YiRl http://ppt.cc/Ttn7 Reynolds' solo blast http://ppt.cc/G1bl http://ppt.cc/JFyb McGee on strong 2014 campaign http://ppt.cc/H1NR http://ppt.cc/6VYv McGee earns the save http://ppt.cc/sGlX http://ppt.cc/y6AN Boxberger strong relief http://ppt.cc/dlTQ http://ppt.cc/4ZTf Recap: MIL 1, TB 2 http://ppt.cc/SVRL http://ppt.cc/txqO Segura slick play http://ppt.cc/QVj5 http://ppt.cc/VdRP Kiermaier jumping catch http://ppt.cc/9BxP http://ppt.cc/EJfj Odorizzi forgets number of outs http://ppt.cc/uwDl http://ppt.cc/vjYg Loney two-run single http://ppt.cc/SHFW http://ppt.cc/b2Fw Brewers' impressive relay http://ppt.cc/vxiX http://ppt.cc/yYxM Odorizzi one-run outing http://ppt.cc/xn0q http://ppt.cc/~1ko Jennings Juniors program http://ppt.cc/fThy http://ppt.cc/2mnK Lohse solid start 費城人 (PHI) VS 大都會 (NYM) (1 : 7) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/w5xZ http://ppt.cc/8TnS Ruiz RBI double http://ppt.cc/X-Xm http://ppt.cc/qRyY Byrd backhanded catch http://ppt.cc/13WV http://ppt.cc/OVNz Byrd four-hit performance http://ppt.cc/rNih http://ppt.cc/-JLR Doc joins Mets' broadcast http://ppt.cc/wa3t http://ppt.cc/i68y Collins on Colon start http://ppt.cc/FhVr http://ppt.cc/r-4x Mets on 7-1 win over Phillies http://ppt.cc/OEVC http://ppt.cc/Zw4M Recap: PHI 1, NYM 7 http://ppt.cc/9tAK http://ppt.cc/AGxi Colon dominant outing http://ppt.cc/eECi http://ppt.cc/0whd Mets turn double play http://ppt.cc/miN5 http://ppt.cc/yNIt Mets challenge safe call, stands http://ppt.cc/yo7W http://ppt.cc/1Orq d'Arnaud three-run blast http://ppt.cc/UwmE http://ppt.cc/6C~I d'Arnaud pega HR de tres rayas http://ppt.cc/h5v4 http://ppt.cc/UMT~ Duda RBI single http://ppt.cc/LJgs http://ppt.cc/~6RW Eveland apparent injury http://ppt.cc/miJy http://ppt.cc/F6NI Hollands' strong relief outing http://ppt.cc/FmYx http://ppt.cc/Xegx Lagares on Mets' win http://ppt.cc/1S8a http://ppt.cc/0Nl6 Ziering tosses first pitch http://ppt.cc/2ChI http://ppt.cc/VBOm Ruiz four-hit night http://ppt.cc/se32 http://ppt.cc/G0Vw Lagares' two-run double http://ppt.cc/eO7h http://ppt.cc/rioX Murphy RBI double http://ppt.cc/PM0S http://ppt.cc/nq-2 Byrd catch in foul territory 藍鳥 (TOR) VS 紅襪 (BOS) (14 : 1) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/vKTj http://ppt.cc/WKz5 Francisco leaping grab http://ppt.cc/Cmdn http://ppt.cc/OdZy Kawasaki two-run double http://ppt.cc/vfhC http://ppt.cc/cC~g Dickey dominant start http://ppt.cc/oz6O http://ppt.cc/Tvof Goins' two-run single http://ppt.cc/WXxB http://ppt.cc/LVDV Melky three-run homer hits car http://ppt.cc/Ngau http://ppt.cc/VNI2 Papi RBI single http://ppt.cc/AKhO http://ppt.cc/KJc0 Goins' career night http://ppt.cc/miiV http://ppt.cc/hiWP Melky two-run shot http://ppt.cc/-xfd http://ppt.cc/bNiT Fan one-handed grab http://ppt.cc/r9fd http://ppt.cc/HtiT Reyes' sacrifice fly http://ppt.cc/N7lj http://ppt.cc/QkGe Blue Jays' monster inning http://ppt.cc/IC5x http://ppt.cc/Mk8i Reyes shaken up http://ppt.cc/dy7J http://ppt.cc/f86o Farrell on blowout loss http://ppt.cc/5FRb http://ppt.cc/1ggW Melky scores on a wild pitch http://ppt.cc/9K0F http://ppt.cc/Bj-F Rasmus' RBI double http://ppt.cc/Ah52 http://ppt.cc/mih5 Pedroia turns a nice double play http://ppt.cc/QhYw http://ppt.cc/IQaI Goins on his four-hit night http://ppt.cc/5gF8 http://ppt.cc/aJ6I Recap: TOR 14, BOS 1 http://ppt.cc/jCkW http://ppt.cc/jnzj Goins' RBI forceout http://ppt.cc/RO4t http://ppt.cc/7uCo Melky two-homer night http://ppt.cc/i0sU http://ppt.cc/zHaU Drew turns two http://ppt.cc/~xX2 http://ppt.cc/SZ-l Buchholz leaping snag http://ppt.cc/UHPo http://ppt.cc/wotH Goins' RBI double 國民 (WSH) VS 馬林魚 (MIA) (6 : 7) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/KJmC http://ppt.cc/YsPm Hechavarria sliding stop http://ppt.cc/TUiC http://ppt.cc/e58W Espinosa two-run single http://ppt.cc/WgpH http://ppt.cc/EIY7 Baker walk-off single http://ppt.cc/2v94 http://ppt.cc/NiRA Powell joins Marlins' broadcast http://ppt.cc/OUFo http://ppt.cc/3TAg Jones' RBI triple http://ppt.cc/IYea http://ppt.cc/Kseh Stanton nabs Werth http://ppt.cc/p7Mn http://ppt.cc/xi3l Werth running catch http://ppt.cc/b7TL http://ppt.cc/KLfM Nats' five-run 6th http://ppt.cc/Jv1y http://ppt.cc/TRpC Zimmermann terrific snare http://ppt.cc/2zQ7 http://ppt.cc/bbai Marlins' four-run 9th http://ppt.cc/R41k http://ppt.cc/6qH6 Werth RBI single http://ppt.cc/4DP- http://ppt.cc/2aEu Hechavarria game-tying triple http://ppt.cc/btEw http://ppt.cc/g50w Redmond on walk-off win http://ppt.cc/YPgw http://ppt.cc/Ym9t Baker con hit de oro para Miami http://ppt.cc/zKL6 http://ppt.cc/hp7k Ozuna second RBI single http://ppt.cc/lolZ http://ppt.cc/Y7Ks Werth injury http://ppt.cc/Kc54 http://ppt.cc/OZDw Zimmermann strong start http://ppt.cc/d~nc http://ppt.cc/9go8 Harper drives in Rendon http://ppt.cc/tO1c http://ppt.cc/DDAc Baker on his walk-off single http://ppt.cc/5XRm http://ppt.cc/GP4K LaRoche sacrifice fly http://ppt.cc/g6eJ http://ppt.cc/-YDo Salty sacrifice fly http://ppt.cc/c9mF http://ppt.cc/4F8T Baker RBI groundout http://ppt.cc/j0GY http://ppt.cc/bxP5 Recap: WSH 6, MIA 7 http://ppt.cc/PWSw http://ppt.cc/p~Sl Espinosa nice stop http://ppt.cc/neGW http://ppt.cc/DY9i Harper heads-up throw http://ppt.cc/R3PO http://ppt.cc/v55k Ozuna RBI single http://ppt.cc/dqhQ http://ppt.cc/gV5C Marlins turn two 落磯 (COL) VS 小熊 (CHC) (1 : 4) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/U48j http://ppt.cc/HmFZ Flande fans eight Cubs http://ppt.cc/H7Zl http://ppt.cc/FaQb Renteria on Wada and Alcantara http://ppt.cc/8dwn http://ppt.cc/6Usg Bonifacio scores on groundout http://ppt.cc/3d38 http://ppt.cc/ewEU Rockies turn awesome double play http://ppt.cc/C87- http://ppt.cc/U1Ps Rondon shuts the door http://ppt.cc/RxM6 http://ppt.cc/xewQ Barnes' double lost in sky http://ppt.cc/iHfa http://ppt.cc/4xVu Baker scores on botched pickoff http://ppt.cc/zA8S http://ppt.cc/LFig Rizzo RBI single http://ppt.cc/H~OX http://ppt.cc/uHVh Fan makes nice catch http://ppt.cc/mf4J http://ppt.cc/kh~3 Ruggiano sliding catch http://ppt.cc/WiKb http://ppt.cc/sBQm Wada earns first career win http://ppt.cc/Spu3 http://ppt.cc/FlWs CarGo great diving catch http://ppt.cc/WymV http://ppt.cc/6IYY Alcantara scores on sac fly http://ppt.cc/PTBf http://ppt.cc/XRbL Wada on his first win http://ppt.cc/LfpO http://ppt.cc/Il67 Arenado RBI single http://ppt.cc/ETKR http://ppt.cc/VBkT Rockies win challenge http://ppt.cc/Y2Bj http://ppt.cc/BD5j Coghlan running catch http://ppt.cc/7qM9 http://ppt.cc/4pp0 Cubs win challenge, inning ends http://ppt.cc/rpkp http://ppt.cc/RT3z Recap: COL 1, CHC 4 http://ppt.cc/DZij http://ppt.cc/eYsj Arenado amazing play 洋基 (NYY) VS 遊騎兵 (TEX) (2 : 4) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/ToLY http://ppt.cc/t5pI Darvish blames Gardner parents http://ppt.cc/quCr http://ppt.cc/kfXu Arencibia two-run single http://ppt.cc/lD6R http://ppt.cc/huTb Gardner second solo blast http://ppt.cc/LQA~ http://ppt.cc/kexe Recap: NYY 2, TEX 4 http://ppt.cc/~NLx http://ppt.cc/U~u8 7/28/14: TEX vs. NYY Highlights http://ppt.cc/Ed5H http://ppt.cc/J5Xv Jeter double ties Yastrzemski http://ppt.cc/mdjo http://ppt.cc/~iVd Darvish eight strikeouts http://ppt.cc/srFZ http://ppt.cc/RY3q Jeter on moving past Yastrzemski http://ppt.cc/gklv http://ppt.cc/NgOm Andrus' RBI single http://ppt.cc/yS2t http://ppt.cc/034F Yankees on 4-2 loss to Rangers http://ppt.cc/9gki http://ppt.cc/sJai Gardner two-homer game http://ppt.cc/8Y2K http://ppt.cc/xKOG Washington on Darvish outing http://ppt.cc/NNpw http://ppt.cc/rKA5 Odor starts double play http://ppt.cc/1MyT http://ppt.cc/17JL Darvish on start against Yankees http://ppt.cc/XRn5 http://ppt.cc/VgZj Teixeira pinch-hit single http://ppt.cc/StN5 http://ppt.cc/vTOc Gardner solo shot http://ppt.cc/l-FX http://ppt.cc/jpHX Beltre empata partido contra NY http://ppt.cc/9-j5 http://ppt.cc/SZ8A Jeter passes Yastrzemski http://ppt.cc/y8uI http://ppt.cc/3r0c Young fan surprises all http://ppt.cc/9zX6 http://ppt.cc/5--w Beltre on Rangers' victory http://ppt.cc/lWfP http://ppt.cc/Xqie Jeter ovation from Rangers http://ppt.cc/Qe7U http://ppt.cc/8pl2 Beltre RBI double http://ppt.cc/ndPS http://ppt.cc/yDBZ Feliz notches save http://ppt.cc/Fs21 http://ppt.cc/RPLE Darvish escapes jam 運動家 (OAK) VS 太空人 (HOU) (3 : 7) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/w94K http://ppt.cc/F3FL Burns makes MLB debut http://ppt.cc/w2Po http://ppt.cc/DM2F Norris' RBI single http://ppt.cc/mEjo http://ppt.cc/89-J Porter on offense, Oberholtzer http://ppt.cc/fTit http://ppt.cc/K~Nt Reddick leaping grab http://ppt.cc/GoUg http://ppt.cc/JGDW Fan snags ground-rule double http://ppt.cc/4fja http://ppt.cc/fM9e Must C: Crushed http://ppt.cc/tgHP http://ppt.cc/oYZ5 Vogt solo blast http://ppt.cc/zLXI http://ppt.cc/O9bn Astros launch four home runs http://ppt.cc/viln http://ppt.cc/KC6a Oberholtzer picks up the win http://ppt.cc/yDxW http://ppt.cc/ENGZ Cespedes' sacrifice fly http://ppt.cc/yvYT http://ppt.cc/BiFx Astros on 7-3 win http://ppt.cc/zc-V http://ppt.cc/nA7A Recap: OAK 3, HOU 7 http://ppt.cc/7EvP http://ppt.cc/2755 Castro two-run dinger http://ppt.cc/iN3I http://ppt.cc/ZAur Carter three-run homer http://ppt.cc/32~z http://ppt.cc/gXd9 Astros challenge, confirmed http://ppt.cc/lfLT http://ppt.cc/krxd Dominguez mammoth homer http://ppt.cc/ncE9 http://ppt.cc/dMnd Springer has fun with Trembley http://ppt.cc/sQkq http://ppt.cc/cUnd Krauss goes back-to-back http://ppt.cc/6nZd http://ppt.cc/-FvS Reddick diving catch 海盜 (PIT) VS 巨人 (SF) (5 : 0) >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/hKVD http://ppt.cc/-FNQ Bullpen catcher gets hit http://ppt.cc/5JDT http://ppt.cc/PXod Morse diving grab http://ppt.cc/w63V http://ppt.cc/uKC1 Play Ball Kid http://ppt.cc/Nit4 http://ppt.cc/9Vgo Martin RBI single http://ppt.cc/lPy7 http://ppt.cc/mFIX Worley completes shutout http://ppt.cc/tlx~ http://ppt.cc/nZfe Panik sliding stop http://ppt.cc/7m4R http://ppt.cc/4Yo7 Recap: PIT 5, SF 0 http://ppt.cc/KAa9 http://ppt.cc/B21k Harrison solo shot http://ppt.cc/KrkO http://ppt.cc/HvWo Bochy on struggles at home http://ppt.cc/8ZBH http://ppt.cc/QRJH Pirates turn a great double play http://ppt.cc/~tIC http://ppt.cc/9hqN Martin nabs Blanco http://ppt.cc/bcyc http://ppt.cc/l5es Stewart deals with distractions http://ppt.cc/3ULD http://ppt.cc/r-i3 Must C: Dazzling double play http://ppt.cc/ibOe http://ppt.cc/hEKK Athony Cortes' first pitch http://ppt.cc/IOk8 http://ppt.cc/xTlS Polanco sacrifice fly http://ppt.cc/RVbj http://ppt.cc/peB5 Worley four-hit shutout http://ppt.cc/O5nP http://ppt.cc/boIP Sanchez sacrifice fly http://ppt.cc/3eTw http://ppt.cc/3Y33 Mercer ranging play http://ppt.cc/yaR1 http://ppt.cc/wOgs Pence triple http://ppt.cc/KBW3 http://ppt.cc/biQs Walker RBI single 每日五大好球/精華回顧 >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/qcp1 http://ppt.cc/PUJf Recap: SD 0, ATL 2 http://ppt.cc/6tTz http://ppt.cc/-0JQ Recap: ARI 2, CIN 1 (15) http://ppt.cc/dlTQ http://ppt.cc/4ZTf Recap: MIL 1, TB 2 http://ppt.cc/OEVC http://ppt.cc/Zw4M Recap: PHI 1, NYM 7 http://ppt.cc/5gF8 http://ppt.cc/aJ6I Recap: TOR 14, BOS 1 http://ppt.cc/j0GY http://ppt.cc/bxP5 Recap: WSH 6, MIA 7 http://ppt.cc/rpkp http://ppt.cc/RT3z Recap: COL 1, CHC 4 http://ppt.cc/LQA~ http://ppt.cc/kexe Recap: NYY 2, TEX 4 http://ppt.cc/zc-V http://ppt.cc/nA7A Recap: OAK 3, HOU 7 http://ppt.cc/7m4R http://ppt.cc/4Yo7 Recap: PIT 5, SF 0 http://ppt.cc/A512 http://ppt.cc/yDlC 今日五大好球 http://ppt.cc/9fQQ http://ppt.cc/TXI2 上週十大HR http://ppt.cc/3ULD http://ppt.cc/r-i3 Must C: Dazzling double play http://ppt.cc/4fja http://ppt.cc/fM9e Must C: Crushed http://ppt.cc/S~jt http://ppt.cc/gSjr Must C: Brewers' amazing relay -- http://blog.xuite.net/baseballman/blog NBA每日線上高光 & 線上Top10 http://nbafilm.enjoy101.org NBA官網 + ESPN官網 每日即時線上影片 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: 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