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Cool魔 點 hea都掂 忽然1周 942期
Aug 16th 2013, 14:08
張智霖一拍完劇,已經鬆懈唔少,近日密密操嘅佢,胸肌 firm番,雖然唔算大隻,但起碼冇凸腩。
Cool魔點 hea都掂
電視劇《衝上雲霄 II》做靚仔機師嘅 Cool魔張智霖,又風流又倜儻,風靡唔少女士。現實生活嘅佢,收視一樣高企。
早前,媽咪姐喺銅鑼灣撞見 Chilam同蔡一智,兩個大男人啱啱做完運動,一身 casual打扮,尤其係 Chilam,普通 T恤牛仔褲襯波鞋,就連頭髮都冇梳,但一樣好有型好靚仔。難怪佢個 friend蔡一智都要同佢隔開幾步行,免得比下去吖嘛!
平日青靚白淨嘅張智霖,當日留咗少少鬚根,連嘟八達通都 man過人!
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MSN 新聞 - 社會新聞 |
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非親生? 宣明智告女兒逼李珍妮提證
Aug 15th 2013, 09:57
【加入MSN 新聞粉絲團】
內容來源 : TVBS新聞 更新日期 : 2013/8/15 17:57
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[情報] 瑪法達看星星:8.15-8.21
Aug 16th 2013, 13:23, by iLoVeMiNG
作者iLoVeMiNG (極端的化身)
標題[情報] 瑪法達看星星:8.15-8.21
時間Fri Aug 16 13:23:41 2013
瑪法達看星星:8.15-8.21 本週基調(8月15日到21日):情勢險峻、嚴陣以待 愛情運↗★★★★ 金錢運→★★★☆ 事業運↗★★★☆ (★★★★★為滿分) 星座幸運排行: #1 天秤座:如虎添翼、手到擒來、無往不利(好運最多) #2 魔羯座:以小搏大、敲中金磚、鴻星高照(回饋最大) #3 金牛座:力爭上游、鴻圖大展、腳踏實地(事業最旺) #4 巨蟹座:逆勢竄起、自助天助、有志竟成(驚喜最多) http://www.mafalda.tw/2013/08/815-821.html -- 恭喜雙魚座下榜@o@/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
推 anthor:天秤又上了QQ.... 08/16 13:31
推 antiasus:太陽上升一起上...下星期我要面試(淚目) 08/16 13:33
推 x21198:上升中了... 08/16 13:34
推 viking0518:拜託...牛都連骨都不剩了..還來.. 08/16 13:35
推 LaLaCheng:No shit 牛第三週了 08/16 13:37
推 blue0629:喔!又有巨蟹(泣 08/16 13:37
推 sophiaej:天秤完蛋了…… 08/16 13:47
推 piapiachou:哇,閃光上榜了,要出去玩說>_< 08/16 14:12
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美股盤中─思科與Wal-Mart消息讓人失望 道瓊大跌230點
Aug 16th 2013, 00:25, by service.nownews@gmail.com (nownews)
S&P 500指數下跌19.22點或1.15%至1666.17。
Wal-Mart (WMT-US)公布第二季美國銷售低於預期。另一家零售商Kohl's (KSS-US)公布第二季銷售上升,但獲利下降,並調降全年獲利預估。
其他企業消息方面,J.C. Penney (JCP-US)股價上漲,投資經理人索羅斯透露他持有該陷困境零售商的股權數量。
Gannett (GCI-US)股價下跌,由巴菲特所經營的投資機構伯克夏海瑟威公司出脫該報紙股票。伯克夏在向證券交易委員會(SEC)申報的資料中,透露了持有該公司股票內容。
伯克夏第二季亦買進Dish Network (DISH-US)與Suncor Energy (SU-US)股票,並加碼通用汽車股票。
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Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 教育學習 - 已解決 |
Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 教育學習 - 已解決 |
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Aug 14th 2013, 13:30
It is with greatpleasure that I recommend Ms. XXX to attend your postgraduateprogramme.XXX was a student in my Architecture class.
XXX was anoutstanding student.Which in particular,her research paper on herdisquisition(Taiwan Aborigines Architecture)was of exceptionally highquality,and showed that she fully understands and has a strong background inher field.Also,she graduated top of our Departmentmajoring in Architecture Studies on Literature Data with first prize awards onAborigines Architecture; Even she had not been studied in Dept. ofArchitecture before with minor in Architect Designing and Drawing onBuildings.Based on her previous performance, I am certain that XXX would bea very successful student at your University.
I am pleased togive my full support and recommendation to XXX's application foradmission to your school.If any further information is required,please feelfree to contact me.
I am writing thisrecommendation in support of Ms.XXX’s application to your postgraduateprogramme in Architectural Design Research.I feel strongly that XXX is awell qualified candidate and will be an asset in your school as she was inours. XXX took my course during the 2001~2005 academic year, as follows“Interior Design”.
In my class,XXX is not thebest student and also have a little shy when she report.Butshe is an optimistic person andalways try her best to change things for the better.Out of class,Ms. Wang wasour head of Public relations section who’s in charge of meeting the guests andmake contact with the professor.XXX is a polite and responsible person,Ibelieve that she will be a great performer on the assigned post
Therefore, I am happy to highly and without reservation recommend Ms.XXX for admission to your graduate program. Your kind consideration ofher application would be most appreciated.
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[問題] 有沒有早早營業的體育用品店?
Aug 17th 2013, 23:17, by tbgorays
作者tbgorays (大衛‧價格)
標題[問題] 有沒有早早營業的體育用品店?
時間Sat Aug 17 23:17:51 2013
回到高雄已經太晚了, 請問有沒有高雄人知道早早就營業的體育用品店? 想找8:00~8:30就開門的, 我目前找到最早只有9點而已, 拜託各位了 ~ -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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Aug 17th 2013, 22:03
蘋果日報-QE退場倒數 美股上周跌幅 1年多最大
美國經濟數據普遍轉好,投資人憂心美國聯邦準備理事會(Federal Reserve,Fed,聯準會)減碼QE(量化寬鬆)時機逼近,加上企業財測不佳,更增添市場對QE減碼後,經濟復甦步伐恐放緩有疑慮,拖累美股3大指數上周周線同步收黑,道瓊工業指數慘跌2.2%,創1年多來最大單周跌幅,S&P 500指數創近2個月來最大跌幅2.1%。
經濟日報-13檔「法人鎖單」 短線強棒
工商時報-陸政策鬆綁 15檔中概股衝鋒
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[求救] 魚缸裡的音樂
Aug 15th 2013, 11:18, by ww6220 ( 小基地00 )
[發問中]本問題提供 0 G 幣回饋給最佳解答者!
發問截止時間:2013-08-29 10:34:00(還有13天15小時14分38秒)
我去朋友的魚缸時 會有音樂播放出來(不是裝扮的 背景音樂 是會唱歌的那種)
請問 那要如何 設定或養什麼特殊的魚嗎?
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Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 社會人文 - 發問中 |
Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 社會人文 - 發問中 |
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Aug 17th 2013, 16:34
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